Boosting the coverage and access of Radio Kiribati is one of the key priority the Broadcasting and Publication Officer (BPA) Chief Executive Officer highlight during the Pacific Media Partnership Conference held in Suva, Fiji this year.
“The challenge that we have is the geographical setting in Kiribati,” Timoa Tokataam said during the Media CEO Round table discussion at the Civic Centre last Tuesday.
“How can we connect the scattered territory islands within the 3.5 million square kilomters of vast ocean in Kiribati.
“Radio Kiribati is the only means to connect these islands,” Timoa said.
BPA is the sole broadcaster in Kiribati, also owned by the Government of Kiribati with a clear vision of providing the public information, entertaining and educating.
The BPA have face challenges with its radio, as CEO mentioned just last month the radio went down for a few month.
“Just recently it went down for a few months and luckily ABC came right in time with our engineers, and we managed to restore our transmitter.”
Kiribati comprises of three groups, the Gilbert Islands, Phoenix Islands, and Lennox. CEO also mentioned that still to this day radio Kiribati haven’t cover all the 16 Islands of Kiribati.
“So this is the challenged that may not be easy, I take this opportunity to pay a call to our colleagues, donor partners, broadcasting brothers and sisters from international and around the region.
“If we can assist BPA now to improve our services and to ensure that we reach out to the 133,000 people of Kiribati,” Timoa concluded.