A moa waakin takakaro aika te nete, bwaatiketibooro ao te Badminton n te Moanibong te wiiki aio, are bon reitan naba kanoan te kaboo irouia ana bootaki ni mwakuri nako te tautaeka ke te Inter Ministry are e kakukaki n raabanen te namwakaina ae e nako.
E iraki waakin te kaboo aio irouia ana bootaki ni mwakuri nako te Tautaeka (Ministries) a oni baarongaaki kanoana man te Botaki ni Mwakuri ibukia Aine, Roronrikirake, Takakaro ao Kamweraoi (MWYSA).
E anga ana kaunganano te MWYSA nakoia Botaki ni mwakuri nako iirakin te waaki aio ibukin katokan aoraki ake aaki eweewe (NCDs).
E ngae n anne ao e kaantaningaaki bwa e na roko n tokina waakin te kaboo aio ni moan te namwakaina ae e na roko Riitembwa n te ririki aio.
The main sports events of the Inter-Ministry competition—Volleyball, Basketball, and Badminton—kicked off on Monday this week.
Participants in the event include employees from various government ministries, and the competition is organized by the Ministry of Women, Youth, Sport, and Social Affairs (MWYSA).
MWYSA encourages workers within the ministries to actively participate in these events as a way to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
However, the sports events are set to conclude earlier in December this year.