E a tia te Tarekita n te Botaki n reirei ae Ruuta Tekeraoi n tabeka te bwanaa n raraoma ni irekereke ma mwaitiia ataei ake a konaa n roko n te bwaati aia bwii iaon te taetae ni imatang ke te English Literacy n te mwaiti ae e kee iaan 50 te katebubua.
E taku riki bwa te Taetae ni Imatang e kakawaki ibukiia ataein te reirei ibukin rinnakoan reirei ao kuura ake a ririeta n raonaki ma taabo ni mwakuri tabeua ake a korakora kabonganaakin iai te taetae ni imatang.
Director of Education Ruuta Tekeraoi has raised concern about the English literacy trends, noting that fewer than 50% students are achieving the English literacy benchmark.
Proficiency in English is vital for students to thrive at the senior secondary and tertiary levels, as well as in the professional sphere where English serves as the official language.